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Between the Stones

“I mistakenly thought it was the history, the grand epic,
and the story from the past that attracted me to carrying
my camera and hunting for images in Peru. The country
has true magic today; it permeates your skin
in intricate detail. The people are beautiful, strong and
full of history and culture. Peru is more than a special place.
It is a soul so naked and raw that it can swallow you,
and recreate you, at every turn in the road.” ~ HMC

I have made three inspiring trips to Peru in my life.
My first trip was in 1983 where I exposed Kodachrome slides that
documented the land and ruins of Peru. On my second trip in 2004,
I went in pursuit of documenting the people of Peru. Armed with my
medium format camera and black and white film I photographed more
than fifty people. I returned in January 2007 with a strong desire to complete
my visual record. Once again I traveled the "Gringo Trail" photographing in black
and white and with my Canon 5D digital camera to capture the colors of Peru.

These images detail ordinary & extraordinary people who live
along the train tracks and roads that lead to the most famous
Inca ruins in Southern Peru.

I named this new collection of images “Between the Stones” for a reason.
While photographing and later in the darkroom printing I made a personal
discovery about the stones. Stones, large and small, are everywhere in Peru.
Stone is used creatively and is a valuable resource. The Inca were famous
for their exact way of carving rock to build temples. The people
in this part of the world continue to live their lives between the stones.
Stones appear in most of my images.

In the weeks that I spent with the people of Peru my emotions played a tug of war.
In one moment I could feel so connected to these people and then in the next,
feel so far removed from them. They live humble proud lives.

Darkroom Prints

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